ID Prefix by Province

ID Prefix by Province

ID numbers with their respective prefix for each province.

Example: Panama 8-4XX-X5X1


  1. Bocas del Toro 1-xxx-xxxx
  2. Coclé 2-xxx-xxxx
  3. Colón 3-xxx-xxxx
  4. Chiriquí 4-xxx-xxxx
  5. Darién 5-xxx-xxxx
  6. Herrera 6-xxx-xxxx
  7. Los Santos 7-xxx-xxxx
  8. Panamá 8-xxx-xxxx
  9. Veraguas 9-xxx-xxxx
  10. Guna Yala 10-xxx-xxxx
  11. Emberá Wounaan 11-xxx-xxxx
  12. Ngäbe-Buglé 12-xxx-xxxx
  13. Panamá Oeste 13-xxx-xxx
  14. Madugandí 10-xxx-xxx
  15. Wargandí 10-xxx-xxx
  16. Naso Tjër Di X-xxx-xxx

The order was determined alphabetically up to Veraguas and then the 5 indigenous regions, which is why when Panama Oeste was added, it became number 13. It is the only province that does not follow the alphabetical order.

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