Independent Bands in Panama

Independent Bands in Panama


Independent bands in Panama are an integral part of Panamanian culture and were created in the mid-20th century by students graduating from public schools nationwide, with the aim of promoting the civic and cultural values of the country’s talented youth. The style of these bands makes them one of the most anticipated groups by people attending the national patriotic parades.

The musical repertoire of independent bands includes popular music, marches, traditional Panamanian folk songs, and some Christian hymns. These bands skillfully combine Panamanian rhythms.

They are distinguished by the shows they perform wherever they appear, as some instruments have very unique sounds. For example, the section of Clarins and Snare Drums, which is fused with tenors and bass drums, performing extraordinary choreographies that require a lot of skill and confidence. The sections that accompany the band include the baton twirlers (Batuteras), baton twirlers (Batuteros), flag bearers (Bastoneras), and escorts, which add elegance to the bands.

The fundamental purpose of independent bands is to help preserve cultural values, as well as the multiple responsibilities of citizens who form a nation. Therefore, the only requirements for joining these bands are discipline, responsibility, loyalty, collaboration, effort, and, above all, a passion for music.

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Visitas: 301
Autor: Marvin
3 Artículos