Altos de Campana National Park

Altos de Campana National Park

To begin with, it is important to note that Altos de Campana National Park is the first national park established in the Republic of Panama. It was created in 1966 and covers a total of 4,925 hectares. The protected area of this park ranges from 400 meters above sea level at its lowest point to 1,030 meters above sea level at the peak of Cerro Campana.

Altos de Campana National Park offers breathtaking views of the Panama Canal basin and the Bay of Chame, with its impressive mangroves covering the mouth of the Chame River.

Regarding the park's flora and fauna, four types of forests can be identified:

  • Tropical Humid Forest
  • Premontane Very Humid Forest
  • Tropical Very Humid Forest
  • Premontane Riparian Forest

As for fauna, there are around 39 species of mammals, approximately 267 species of birds—48 of which are migratory—and about 62 species of amphibians and 86 reptiles. This makes the park an interesting destination for exploration, relaxation, and recreation. Additionally, it features hiking trails, camping areas, and various other services.

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Autor: Viajenda
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